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Hello. I like making things. And to try figuring out how things are made.

Especially things with a potential to add value to our lifes.

When it comes to fashion, I believe that when someone feels comfortable in what they wear, it has the potential to support feelings of hope, drive, strength and patience. (For example: It's way easier to have patience with things when we wear comfortable clothes, or at least that's how it is for me.)

So my fashion designs are made with that goal in mind, to add a value to the user.

During my fashionstudies in New York at Parsons, a professor encouraged us to explore multidisciplinary methods and formats to communicate ideas. Inspired by this, I recorded old songs I had been writing since my teenage years, and joined an art collective in the Lower East Side.

This official webshop marks the first platform showcasing a range of my interdisciplinary work. Here, you'll discover a blend of formats, unified by my aesthetic.

For now the different formats on this site is my brand 1800 Hosiery and my motivational book The Worst. During the fall I'll add more items to the site. I hope you like it. I'm so happy you are here. A warm welcome!

- I.C. Renhuldt

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